Import Title Records
Destiny uses special import logic so that an eBook title record only displays the link that is appropriate for each school. Library Manager makes it easy for patrons to find the resources they are looking for. Patrons can see and access all of the Follett eBooks that are available on the school’s Destiny Discover. The daily Follett Digital Update adds a generic MARC title record to the school for the titles on their Destiny Discover. To have school-specific details, such as copies, call numbers and prices, displayed on these records, you need to import the MARC record file you received from Follett. Destiny hides the Follett 856 tag upon import and displays the Open button instead. The ability to create site-specific URLs lets you add multiple local links in a title record. important If any incoming 856 tags contain a subfield 5 with an incorrect Site ID, Import Titles skips them and writes an exception in the Job Summary. Export Titles builds an 856 for each local 856 tag and puts a subfield 5 with the site-specific information in it. Titles are imported into the Destiny database using the MARC file you received from your book vendor. Title MatchingStrict To be a Strict match, the incoming record must share a standard number (LCCN, ISBN, or ISSN), have the same title, and be of the same material type (such as book, video or sound recording) as an existing record. If material subtypes are present, they must match as well. Destiny also compares the author and publication dates if they are present. Relaxed To have Destiny consider records without standard numbers to be a match, select the Relaxed option. Destiny then compares only the title, material type, author and publication dates.
Once the decision about what defines a title match is made, decide what should happen when a match is found:
important Follett eBook MARC records cannot be duplicated. If the incoming title already exists in your collection, the record appears in the job summary as: Copy Matching
Assign Copy Information
When importing titles at the site level, you can use the Change Currency Code drop-down to select the currency you want to change from, and then use the to drop-down to select the currency you want to use. Next, enter a numerical amount in the Exchange Rate field.
Import FileBrowse to find the file that should be imported. Other available options:
Preview or ImportAt this point, you can import the file or choose to preview it. |
Destiny v16.5 Help includes the most recent product updates. For details, see What's New in Destiny Version 16.5.