Update patrons based on a list of patron names or a list or file of barcode numbers

When you want to update one or more fields in several patron records, use Update. It lets you change or clear up to three fields at once for individual patrons.

You determine the change to be made, and then identify the patrons by selecting them, creating a list of their barcode numbers, or uploading a file of their barcode numbers.

To update

Important: If there is a resource site and you select Access Level, then the Resource Group list box appears to make selections.

For more details, see access levels and resource groups.

  1. If you are not on the Update Patrons page, then follow the steps in the blue title bar.
  2. From the Based on field, select Barcode list or file.
  1. From the Change list, select a field to update.
  2. Enter or select the new contents of the field in the adjacent to box that appears.
    To clear a field, leave the to box empty.
  3. To update a second or third field, repeat the first two steps.
    If you are updating only one or two fields, leave the unused boxes at Select a Patron Field.
  4. Identify the patron records to update by any of the following methods:
    • If you are updating patrons based on a Barcode list or file, you can either browse to an existing file, or create a list.
      • To select an existing file, click Browse.
      • To create a list, place the cursor in the Create a barcode list box and scan the barcodes.
        To remove a barcode number from the list, select it and click Remove.
    • If you are updating patrons based on a List of patrons, build a list:
      1. In the box that appears, enter the patron's first, middle, or last name, barcode number, nickname, grade level, homeroom, user name, site name, a value in one of the User Defined fields, or a District ID.
        If you do not have the whole name or word, enter part of it, followed by *, or use a question mark (?) to replace a single letter.
        To speed the search, select the field you are searching from the adjacent list. Patron Names includes the First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Nickname fields.
      2. Click Search.
      3. In the list that appears, if any, locate the correct patron and click Select.
        The patron moves to the Currently Selected list at the bottom of the page.
      4. Repeat these steps for each patron.
  5. Once you have defined the changes and identified or selected the patrons, click Update to begin the update.

Destiny® generates a job summary listing all the updated patrons. To view the report, open the Job Manager in the Back Office.

To create a file of barcode numbers

You can create the file several ways. In fact, any method of barcode collection that results in, or can be reformatted to, the proper ASCII text format can be used.

  • Use Follett Remote, a small single-user application, to create the file.
    Follett Panthers and Falcons have it installed. Just tap the icon on the desktop.
  • Use a PHD Dolphin+, to create a file of barcode scans. Then, transfer the scan file to your workstation.
  • Use your circulation desk scanner to scan barcodes into a text editor such as Notepad or SimpleText. You could also type the barcode numbers into a file.

    Note Do not use Microsoft Word, WordPad, or Apple TextEdit. Hidden characters created by these programs can cause the upload to fail.

Create the file with a text editor

  1. Open your text editor.
    (The file does not need any header.)
  2. Scan or type in the barcodes, one per line.
  3. Name and save the file. Make sure to save it as a .txt file and record the name and location of the file.

Example of a barcode number file:

P 852467
P 15547
P 874
P 55478
P 21947
P 62155


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