Remove Secondary Site Associations

If you are a district user with the right to Manage Patrons for the District, Remove lets you delete secondary site associations that the patrons in your district may have.
This process leaves only the primary site association for each updated patron.

You can remove secondary site associations for all patrons in the district or only those at a particular school.

  • If you choose the entire district, Destiny removes all secondary site associations for all patrons in the district.
  • If you choose a particular school, Destiny removes all secondary associations for any patron whose primary site is that school.

Alternatively, you can remove associations for certain patrons by creating a file of their District IDs.
Make sure the file contains unique District IDs, not site-specific barcode numbers.

An exception is for teachers who have a class with one or more checkouts. The association to that site is retained.
For offsite students, the association is removed, they remain enrolled in the class, and their checkouts become offsite checkouts at their primary site (Textbook Manager only).

To remove secondary site associations:

  1. Log in to the district.
  2. Select Back Office > Update Patrons > Remove sub-tab.
  3. Use the first drop-down to select either Global Criteria or File of District IDs.
  4. Do one of the following:
  5. If you want to use... Then...

    Global Criteria

    Use the second drop-down to select the Primary Site of the patrons you are updating, or leave it at All Sites.

    File of District IDs

    • To create a new list, place the cursor in the Create a District ID list field, and scan the District IDs, or type them in and click Add.

      Note: To remove a District ID from the list, select it and click Remove.

    • To upload an existing file, browse or choose a file in the field next to Select a District ID file.

  6. Click Preview.
  7. The Job Manager opens. When the status is Completed, select View.
  8. If you are satisfied with the preview, click Remove to begin the removal of site associations.

Job Summary Content

Both the Preview and the Remove summaries contain the following summary information:

  • The total number of patron records edited
  • The total number of associations removed
  • The total number of associations skipped

For each patron, they show:

  • Name
  • Barcode number or District ID
  • Edit Patron link
  • Name and Site Short Name of the sites whose associations were removed


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