Shipments (Textbook Manager) / District Warehouse

important Order Textbooks is available in Follett Destiny® Textbook Manager v10.5 and higher.

Once a textbook order is approved by the District Warehouse (DW), the DW user can ship it back to the site that submitted the order.

To manually ship

important District users can see all the information of the District Warehouse, but cannot make changes.

note When you see an Add Note link, you can select the link and create note(s). When a note(s) is added to an order, a note icon appears next to the given order on the Orders page.

  1. If you are not already in the Track page, then you need to follow the steps in the blue bar with white letters (above).
  2. In the On Order section, find the order you want to ship and click the view icon. The On Order page opens.
  3. Click Shipments. The View Shipments page opens.
  4. Click Shipment. The Add Shipment page opens.
  5. Populate the Add Shipment page accordingly. For details to populate the Add Shipment page, see Order Textbooks (Add Shipment).
    Barcode files are simple .txt files with a list of barcodes.
  6. When you are ready to ship the order, click Ship it.

note You can view the progress of your shipment from the Shipped section of Orders.

To view shipments

To view shipments, go to View textbook orders.



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