Order Textbooks (Add Shipment)

To get to the Add Shipment page: follow the steps in Shipments (Textbook Manager) / District Warehouse.

important Order Textbooks is available in Follett Destiny® Textbook Manager v10.5 and higher.

Shipments can contain textbooks either with (by a barcode or upload barcode file) or without bar codes (by copy count).

important These detailed steps that are based on a step in the Shipments (Textbook Manager) / District Warehouse help topic. You must be logged in as District Warehouse user.

To populate the Add Shipment page

  • From the Ship box, select how you want to ship the order:
If you select… Then…
by Barcode
  1. With valid barcodes for this order, create a barcode list, or browse to the barcode file in Select a barcode file.
  2. Click Ship it.
by Copy Count
  1. Click Ship it.


Destiny v16.5 Help includes the most recent product updates. For details, see What's New in Destiny Version 16.5.


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