Order Textbooks (District Warehouse)

You can order textbooks using Follett Destiny® Textbook Manager.

important Textbook orders that have been fulfilled are stored in the Archive tab.

Before you begin

Before you can begin ordering textbooks you must have:

  • a District Warehouse (DW) site (only one per district) added by the Destiny Administrator.
  • a DW user(s) with the District Warehouse access level that can order textbooks.

Textbook ordering flow

This illustration provides a high-level view of the common flow of textbook ordering:

Callout Description
1 Site- or District-level user The site- or district-level user creates and sends a textbook order.
2 District Warehouse (DW) The order sent by the site- or district-level user is received at the DW. The DW user with access to order textbooks, approves the order.
3 Order Status Once the DW approves the order, then the DW fulfills the order.





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