Each database you select might require you to enter different authentication information, such as a username, password, URL, or customer number. You can get this information from the database vendor. If you would like students to have access to search One Search databases away from school, ensure your students log in to Destiny with a username and password.
In the event your selection yields a list of multiple databases, such as when you select a subscription encyclopedia database, select the checkboxes to enable the databases you subscribe to.
Selecting the checkboxes under Preset selected
tells Destiny to search this database by default whenever users perform a Basic library search and set the Material Type drop-down to Any Type. In Power Search, Destiny automatically selects the checkbox for the Preset selected
databases under Include Online Resources. Patrons must manually select any database in Power Search not set as Preset selected
The Allow Students, Allow Staff, and Allow Guests options let you decide which groups of patrons can search specific databases. You need to enable the students, staff, and guest access levels to give these patron groups permission to search One Search.
Ensure your Third-Party Subscription Database licenses allow public access before permitting guests to search One Search. You are responsible for complying with the license terms.