Import patron records

To import patron records, you must first make certain that your import file is in the correct format. For details, see About the patron file format.

To import patron records

  1. Select Back Office > Import Patrons.
  2. Specify which type of patron identifier your library or school requires.
    (After import, the selected identifier becomes the patron's barcode.)
  3. If your patron records contain both a barcode and an ID number, decide whether to move the unselected identifier to the User Defined 5 field, to the District ID field, or to discard it.
    If your district requires that all patron records have District IDs, Destiny® automatically moves the unused ID to the District ID field.
  4. If an incoming record matches an existing record, select the way you want the import to handle duplicate records. It can preserve your existing record, merge the incoming information with the existing record, or replace the existing record.
  5. To find and select your import file, click Browse.
  6. Click Import.

    important The file you are importing must not be larger than 500 MB.

    To decrease the file size and to speed the uploading, you can first zip the import file, and then import the .ZIP file.
  7. Stay on the Import Patrons page until the The patron import you requested has been submitted pop-up appears.
    Once it appears, you can continue to use Destinyas normal.



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