Generate a Patron Statistics - Historical report

The Patron Statistics - Historical report lets you examine the circulation totals of your patrons.

You can view summary information or individual patron statistics. You can limit the report to a particular school, a time period, or to certain patrons.

How do I generate the report I need?

  1. If you are a district patrons manager, select the site from the For list.
  2. Next to For patron activity, enter the date range for which you want the statistics. Click the calendar icon for a calendar.
    • You can leave both boxes blank to include all circulations since you installed Destiny®.
    • If you leave the From box blank and enter a date in the to box, the report includes all circulations before and on the date in the to box.
    • If you enter a date in the From box and leave the to box blank, the report includes circulations on that date and all those after it.
    • If you enter the same date in both boxes, the report is limited to circulations on that one date.
  3. If Destiny manages both your library and your textbooks, select the type from the Circulations of list.
    District media centers can only retrieve circulations of media materials.
  4. Select either Summary Only or Details from the Show list.
    • A summary includes a list of each grouping, the number of patrons in that group, and its circulation totals.
    • A details report adds each patron's name, barcode number, and number of circulations.
  5. Select the way you want the information grouped. Choose Patron Type, Patron Status, Grade Level, Homeroom, or one of the User Defined fields.
    You can select up to four levels of grouping. Within the lowest grouping on a details report, the patrons are listed in name order. Patrons that do not have information in a Group by field are listed under Other.
  6. To include only certain Patron Types or Statuses, clear the check boxes for the patrons whose statistics you wish to exclude.
  7. To generate the report, click Run Report.
How does Destiny calculate the statistics?

The circulation count includes all of a patron's checkouts and renewals, both local and off-site. For libraries and district media centers, any in-district interlibrary circulations are also included.

Destiny includes only statistics for those patrons that are currently in the database. When patrons are deleted, their circulation statistics are also deleted. When patrons are transferred to another school in the district, their statistics are also transferred.

Note If you converted from Circulation Plus, the number of circulations can include those since you installed Circulation Plus.

How can I use this report?

The Historical Patron Statistics report can provide information for several purposes:

  • Collect circulation data for district reports
  • Monitor the circulation habits of each patron type
  • Measure the impact of reading programs on circulation
  • Discover the circulation statistics of a particular segment of your patrons.
    For example, if you group by Grade Level and then by Homeroom, you can view a report that shows the circulation statistics for each homeroom grouped within the grade levels.


Destiny v16.5 Help includes the most recent product updates. For details, see What's New in Destiny Version 16.5.


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