Generate a Textbook Checkout Summary

The Textbook Checkout Summary allows you to determine the number and percentage of students who do not have the required textbooks for their current classes.

Destiny® considers a student to be without textbooks if the student is missing at least one of the assigned textbooks for a class.

If you generate the report for a single school, it can also include, for each textbook, a list of the students who do not have that textbook.

important To generate a meaningful report, your school or district must have set up the classes and their sections, and assigned students and textbooks to them in Update Classes. If your district is using Textbook Groups, see Textbook Groups.

In addition, you must have checked out the textbooks to the students (on any tab: To Patron, By Class, or reassigned in To Teacher).

notes This report does not include Teacher's Editions or Resource Kits, even if they are assigned to a class. It counts only Actual Students Assigned, not Enrollment Estimates.

How do I generate the report?

Important: Textbooks checked out by ISBN appear on this report.

  1. If you are a district manager, select a single school or All Sites from the For drop-down.
  2. For a single school, select one class or All Classes from the Current Classes drop-down.
  3. For a single school, deselect the Include Names of Students without Textbooks checkbox if you do not need a list of the students without the textbooks.
  4. If you are borrowing textbooks from another site, select the Include off-site titles associated with the class checkbox.
  5. To generate the report, click Run Report.

For more details about the Textbook Checkout Summary report, go to Checkout Summary (Textbook Manager).


Destiny v16.5 Help includes the most recent product updates. For details, see What's New in Destiny Version 16.5.


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