Resource Container Transaction Blocking Conditions

Transaction blockers are warning messages displayed when you attempt to check out an item, and a condition preventing the regular transaction occurs.

Two types of blocking events are possible during resource container transactions:

Soft blockers for resource container checkouts

The following are soft blockers that may appear when attempting to check out resource containers:

  • Item already checked out:

    If the container item is checked out to someone else, then a soft block occurs. There is no block on child items checked out to someone else. The block warning message for the checkout transaction appears as:

    Transaction blocked: <Patron Name> (Barcode: <##############>) This item is currently checked out to <Patron Name> (Barcode: <##############>). Do you want to complete this transaction?

    Click Yes to "steal" the container item along with all its child items from the patron it is checked out to. Click No to cancel the transaction.

  • Inactive or restricted patron:

    If a patron is restricted from checking out resource items or is considered "inactive" in the system, then a soft block occurs. The block warning message displayed on checkout appears as:

    Transaction blocked: <Patron Name> (Barcode: <##############>) Inactive or restricted patron. Do you want to complete this transaction?

    Click Yes to override the restriction. Click No to cancel the transaction.

  • Patron with fines or overdues on textbook items, or patron-level fines:

    If the container item includes one or more textbook items, a soft block occurs. The block warning message displayed on checkout appears as:

    Transaction blocked: <Patron Name> (Barcode: <##############>) Outstanding fines totaling $<##.##> Do you want to complete this transaction?

    Click Yes to override the restriction based on an existing fine. Click No to cancel the transaction.

  • Loan period is set to a fixed number of days of zero (meaning it cannot be circulated):

    If the container item's loan period is zero (0), a block warning message appears:

    Transaction blocked: <Patron Name> (Barcode: <##############>) This item is not usually circulated. If you proceed, it will be given a due date of <mm/dd/yyyy>. Do you want to complete this transaction?

    Click Yes to override the loan period restriction. Click No to cancel the transaction.

    When a container item is checked out, the loan policy of the container item is used for all included child items. The loan policy of the child items is ignored until they are removed from the container item.

    For more information, see Resource Policies.

  • Patron with max checkouts (textbook resources only):

    When checking out the child items (for example, textbooks) of a container item (such as a book cart), the maximum textbook checkout may be reached (for example, on the fourth of five child items) during the automatic checkout of child items.

    If the max number of checkouts have been reached during the transaction, a soft block occurs, and a warning message appears:

    Transaction blocked: <Patron Name> (Barcode: <##############>) Student Max Checkouts reached. Do you want to complete this transaction?

    Click Yes to override the maximum number of checkouts restriction. Click No to cancel the transaction.

NOTE It is unlikely that containers will be checked out to patrons with checkout maximums.

Hard blockers for resource container checkouts

The following are hard blockers that may appear when attempting to check out resource containers:

  • User does not have access to one of the templates for an item that is being checked out:

    The transaction is blocked because the user does not have access to the container item template. The following message appears:

    Item <##############> not found.

    If the user doing the checkout can access the template, then the checkout occurs regardless of whether the patron selected for the item has access to the template.

  • Item does not have a status of Available, In Use (in the case of a "steal" with the transaction block overridden), or Checked Out (it is a renewal or a "steal"):

    The transaction is blocked because the status of the item is not one of the following: Available, In Use, or Checked Out. The following message appears:

    This item and all of its included items must have a status of Available, In Use, or Checked Out.

Note: Only the parent item can be checked out/renewed individually. All child items are automatically checked out/renewed with the parent item.

Following is a list of hard container blocks to container checkouts:
• Patron with max checkouts

• Item already checked out to another patron

• Inactive or restricted patron

• Patron with fines (patron-specific or textbook resources only)

• Loan period is set to a fixed number of days of 0 (meaning it cannot be circulated)

• Patron does not have access to the Container item template

• Status of parent item or any of its included items is one of the following: Ready for Disposal, No Longer In Use, Available for Parts, Approved for Disposal, Retired, Lost, Stolen, On Order, Out for Repairs, Loaned Out, In Transit, or Returned to Vendor

• Patron with overdue textbook resources only


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