Textbook title details

To get to Textbook Title Details Change to Textbook View. Select Catalog > Textbook Search. Search for a title > click Details for the title you want.

When you retrieve a title, its Title Details (or Supplement Details) page appears. Here you can view information about the text, and edit or delete the title. You can add copies to the title, assign it to class sections, or add a cover image.

For a Resource Kit, you can add or remove components, and specify the quantity of each component.

From the Copies tab, you can add, edit, or delete the copies. You can also assign barcode numbers to multiple copies or remove them in one operation.
For a Resource Kit, you can edit the number of components in an individual kit.

View the title information

Below the title are the number and availability of the copies. Click See all (or the Copies tab at the top) for a complete list of them.

If the title is a teacher's edition, the following appears:

  • A Teacher's Edition for
  • <textbook main entry title> Details

If the title is a resource kit, the following appears:

  • A Resource Kit for
  • <textbook main entry title> Details

To scroll through all the Title Details pages in the Search Results list, click the arrows.

The Explore! section contains any Resource URLs in the title record.

The Publication Info section displays the publisher, year of publication, edition, and ISBNs.

The Components section displays all the components of a kit.

The Additional Info section lists additional information that is in the record, such as notes, the grade level range, budget category, user-defined field, vendor, instructional classification, additional information, and the replacement price.

The Adoption Info section displays the state/textbook ID, the year your state adopted the text, the year your district adopted the text, and the year the adoption ends.

The small image in front of the title or next to the supplement name is a material type icon.

Work with the title

To edit the title or its state adoption information, click Edit Title.

To remove the title and all its copies, click Delete Title.

Before you delete a title, please note the following:
For a main entry title, this action also deletes any Teacher's Editions and their copies, and any Resource Kits and their copies, that appear on its Supplements tab.
The deletion affects only the copies that belong to your school. Any copies owned by other schools in your district are not deleted.

To assign this title to class sections or view a list of the classes this textbook is assigned to, click Class Info.

To add a cover image that appears on Search Results lists and Title Details pages, click Cover Image.

To add links to digital content that is either stored on the Destiny server or located on the Internet, click Digital.

For a Resource Kit, click Components to add, edit, or delete its components, and the quantities of each.
Make sure to add the components and their quantities before adding copies of the kits.
For any existing copies, the quantity of each new component is set to 0 (zero).

To add this title to a List, select a List next to Selected List and click Add to this List.
If you have already added the title to a List, In This List appears.

Work with the copies

To add a single copy or a range of copies, click Add Copies on the Title Details page.

To view a complete list of the copies for this title, click See all (or the Copies tab at the top).

If you are a district textbooks manager, the Copies tab lists the quantities of Available copies in the district, sorted by school.
To view a list of all the copies at a school, click Show More.

If you are a school textbooks manager, the Copies tab lists the number of your copies of each status. Beneath that are other schools with copies.
To view a list of all your copies, or the copies at another school, click the adjacent Show More.

You can edit or delete any of them, or add new ones.

To remove one or more barcodes from your copies, click Remove barcodes. You can only remove barcodes from copies that have a status of Available.

For a copy of a Resource Kit, you can edit its actual number of components by clicking the kit icon.
To add, edit, or delete the components, open the Supplement Details tab and click Components.

Copies without barcodes

  • To assign barcode numbers and, optionally, purchase prices and locations to some or all of them, click Assign Barcodes.
  • To mark some or all of them lost, click Lost.
  • To mark some or all of them found and Available, click Found.
  • To delete some or all of them, click the delete icon.
Delete copies

If you choose to delete one or more copies with barcodes, the confirmation message gives you an option, Track as weeded, to add the copy to your Weeding Log. If you choose Yes, Destiny® adds title and copy information to the log. You can generate a Weeding Log in Reports.

Please note that Destiny retains any fines for this copy on the record of the patron(s) who incurred them.

To update the condition or location of multiple copies, or delete copies by scanning the barcodes or using a barcode file, open Update Copies in the Catalog.

Work with the supplements

To view or manage teacher's editions or resource kits, open the Supplements tab.
On that tab:

  • To add a new teacher's edition, click Add TE.
  • To add a new resource kit, click Add Kit.
  • To view or edit information about an existing supplement, click its Details.
    Each supplement has its own Supplement Details and Copies tabs.


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