Once you have set up the homerooms and assigned students to them, you can generate the following reports, lists, and notices by homeroom.
Only homerooms having currently assigned patrons appear in the lists when you select or group by Homeroom.
- Current Checkouts/Fines reports and notices
With a mail server and email addresses in the supervisors' records, you can email this report to the homeroom supervisors. Make sure that their email addresses appear in the Current Homerooms list.
- Barcode Labels
- Patron ID Cards
- Patron Names
- Patron statistics
In Circulation, you can check out by homeroom.
After selecting Global criteria on the Update tab of Update Patrons, you can update your patrons' Patron Type, graduation year, grade level, homeroom, card expiration date, teaching status (Textbook Manager only), Patron Status, any of the User Defined fields, or Access Level, based on their homeroom.
You can delete your patrons by homeroom on the Delete tab of Update Patrons.